Climate change: melting mountains

Climate change: melting mountains

Euro News Sweden August, 3 2018 Ice on the glacier-capped southern top of Kebnekaise mountain has melted so much this summer that it is no longer Sweden’s highest point. It has lost four meters making it only the second highest peak.
Fire Scientists Are Sure of Only One Thing: This Will Get Worse

Fire Scientists Are Sure of Only One Thing: This Will Get Worse

Mother Jones August, 5 2018 Fire researcher have seen this coming for years. The fires here in CA have burned an enormous area – the Carr fire has now burned over 150K acres, The Ranch fire in Mendocino, over 200K acres, the River fire over 45K, and the Western fire,...
China could face deadly heat waves due to climate change

China could face deadly heat waves due to climate change

MIT News, July 31, 2018 A region that holds one of the biggest concentrations of people on Earth could be pushing against the boundaries of habitability by the latter part of this century, a new study shows. Research has shown that beyond a certain threshold of...