NASA August 3, 2018 A new NASA-led study using data from the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABOVE) shows that carbon in Alaska’s North Slope tundra ecosystems spends about 13 percent less time locked in frozen soil than it did 40 years ago… The team...
Forbes, August 8, 2018 The scope of California’s fires is unprecedented and has resulted in the closure of Yosemite National Park as firefighters battle 17 large fires, one of which is the largest fire in California’s history….To help give...
CNN, August 9, 2018 • Temperatures could stabilize at 4 to 5 degrees C ( 9 degree F) above pre-industrial levels.• Rise in sea levels of 65 meters (213 ft)• “Feedbacks” could drive temperatures up further
New York Magazine July 26, 2018 …it has been a month of historic, even unprecedented, climate horrors. But you may not have noticed, if you are anything but the most discriminating consumer of news. The major networks aired 127 segments on the unprecedented July...
A longish video by Paul Beckwith from the U. of Ottawa Laboratory for Paleoclimatology. You gotta love this guy with his three cats explaining the consequences of the melting of the arctic sea ice. He and his little cats too, give a very digestible presentation about...